Yoga for Your Neck

We all know how it feels to have neck pain. It can be very painful, limit us in movement and cause headache or upper back pain. In a time where computers and phones are becoming more and more important, we spend so much time staring at our devices, without being aware until we feel theContinue reading “Yoga for Your Neck”


I am sharing with you a 20-min yoga sequence, which you can do if you have limited time or even post cardio workout. As you can see, I have just been back from a run and here are some stretching exercises which you can do if you still have a bit of energy left. IContinue reading “20 MIN POWER VINYASA YOGA FLOW”

Let The Abs Challenge Begin!

I am super excited to announce the beginning of my 4-weeks abs challenge! Every week you will get a new video with 5-10 core exercises. The movements are from yoga, pilates, gymnastics and calisthenics. Ideally you do each video 5 times per week until you get the new video. In addition to that you shouldContinue reading “Let The Abs Challenge Begin!”